That's why it is important to find a harmony between seven particular factors (7 C's) you should consider while creating a website:
(layout and design)
Let's speak about Coachella. The first thing that pops up in front of your eyes when you open Coachella Official Website is a line-up of 2016 edition of this particular music festival. You easily notice 3 headliners, maybe 2nd line of performers and bands. As for the rest... Well, I've actually lost my interest in this orange piece (full of small letters you are unable to read unless you click on the image) and focused on eye-catching animated background instead.
Anyway, you are already excited about festival and all the performers you wanna see live and you click on MENU button which immediately re-directs you from this exciting site to the second page...
What has just happened?! I may not be an expert, but this is not exactly what you'd expect to see. It looks so... sad and simple. But maybe that's the point. The colour may not be appealing, but the page is really easy to read and navigate and if I'm not wrong, you open it for a couple of reasons (to buy tickets, to check out the news or necessary information regarding the venue), but watching moving pictures is probably not in a top three. Well probably and we could spend hours discussing what is right, or wrong. But I guess everyone would agree that it could be a little bit more cheerful and colourful. Especially, that we're talking about Coachella.
(what's in the site; including multi-media)
Content is your website's "to be or not to be" of attracting people by information you provide along with multi-media you choose to go with it. One bad move and your audience is gone, back to scrolling down their Facebook main page. And it's not that hard to make a mistake. Especially that every person is different and it's just not possible to reach everyone's expectations.
What can we actually find on the official website of Coachella? Well, beside general information (rules of festival, safety at the venue, camping sites), there are also different kinds of passes you can purchase, maps of campsites, countdown to Coachella...
Line-ups from previous editions of festival
Maps of the venue
Information about things they do for charity
...and some particular things I am going to mention in other parts of this assessment. So, mostly everything you could actually expect to find on festival's page is there and as I've said before, it's really simple to navigate and find what you are looking for.
Maybe I would add a NEWS page or something (because it would be great to know what is going on)... Yeah, totally forgot to mention. It's not there, so if you're looking for it, don't waste your time and go back to watching another episode of "The Walking Dead".
(how the site enables user-to-user communication)
Creating such a forum is always a good idea. It's a place where people of similar interests may share their experiences and stories, answer each other's questions and even make friends... because it's not like they are not allowed to meet in real life. Whether you wanna buy a ticket, or give someone a ride (because you still have one empty seat in your car) - this is a perfect place to look for someone who might be interested.
Another user-to-user communication examples? Social media platforms, of course.

Website redirects you to most popular social media platforms with one click
It is pretty hard to find a person who hasn't got at least one social media account. And whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or even Snapchat - it is all kind of user-to-user communication.
Comment section under one of the posts on Coachella's official account (Facebook)
Coachella is connected to highly followed social media platforms and official website redirects you to whichever you choose. But because of the fact that social media accounts of Coachella are not integrated into website, I'm going to give it one point less.
(site's ability to tailor itself to individual users)
Website enables you to create your own personal account.
It allows you to write messages on forum and connect it to your social media accounts. It is also neccesary to activate your festival wristband. What else? Hmm...
Oh, I see. You are also given a list of performers/bands and can create your own line-up
Personalized line-up (Coachooser)
And that would be all... There's no possibility to choose another language. I actually don't think you can use it to sign up for email newsletter (and that's only one example). Not many possibilities, but it's better than nothing.
(how the site communicates with users or vice versa)
Coachella-to-user communication is another step I'm going to talk about. First of all, already mentioned social media.
No wonder that with so many followers, Coachella's main way of communication with users is through social media platforms. Clearly it is really fast and easy way of sharing news, pictures and videos and everytime someone shares a posting, there's a huge possibility it will get to even wider audience. Conclusion? Pretty good and very effective.
Another way of communicating with users? Email newsletter.
Everything that's important in one place and really easy to use. How cool is that?
(how the site is connected to other sites)
Coachella's website is connected to:
1) Social media accounts + Google Play and App stores
2) Front Gate Tickets website
3) Valley Music Travel website
(site's suitability for transaction and purchase)
The last thing I am going to mention is site's suitability for transactions. All you gotta do is to choose the right package of tickets (eg. including meals, or camping site) that suits your needs and click on it. Website redirects you to FGT website where you can easily finish your transaction.
I'm not actaully sure what else would you expect in this area... That's why I'm going to give it eight points. Why not more? Well, transaction process is really easy, but number of packages and types of tickets which you are able to choose is so big, that it only makes you confused.
RESULT: 7,7/10
Good to see you using the '7 Cs' assessment, which you have done thoroughly.
ReplyDeleteYou should also try to find the events' more conventional marketing materials too - press ads, billboards etc. More difficult as it's abroad, but may be possible. Have you set up Google alerts for these events?
A good effort so far.